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Emerald - Years 1&2

Welcome to Emerald Class

Years 1 and 2

Friday 13th December

Wow, what a busy but joyful few weeks we have had, being at the panto last week and doing our own Nativity this week! We have also learnt about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries. 

Our talk of how Christmas is celebrated in Germany: 

Our Nativity:

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 29th November

We have had a brilliant and busy week. we have had 'Our World Week', as well as going to Westgreen nursing home yesterday.

This weeks Maths homework:

Year 1: I would like the children to practise putting numbers in order from smallest to greatest. (39, 21, 87 - 56, 49, 99 - 82, 38, 62, 16 - 19, 90, 39, 30)

Year 2: I would like the children to practise measuring objects or rooms in centimetres and metres.

We have had great fun in maths this week measuring how wide the playground is in metres. 

We also did very well in our assembly about 'Our World Week', we said some words in Afrikaans and we sang Frere Jacques.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott

Thursday 21st November

Another lovely but chilly week in Emerald Class with the added excitement of snow!

This week, the children have particularly enjoyed painting Piet Mondrian-inspired artwork using primary colours.

In Science, we are going to be learning about humans. In particular, we will be looking at adults and their offspring. Therefore, if you could email the Office or send in a photo of your child and their family for us to share in class and look at, that would be a lovely addition to our lessons, thank you.

Maths Homework:

Please continue practising counting forwards and backwards as set previously. Also,

Year 1: Practise partitioning 2-digit numbers into tens and ones.

For example, 23 can be partitioned into 20 (2 tens) and 3 (3 ones); 47 can be partitioned into 40 (4 tens) and 7 (7 ones).

Year 2: Practise reading scales.

For example, the children could help with some cooking, weighing out different ingredients and reading the scales to say what number it is showing or they could look at the different scales around the house, weighing objects and reading what they weigh. In class, we focused on reading scales with jumps of 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s and weighing the mass of an object in grams.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Scott and Miss Dovaston

Friday 15th November 2024

 The children had great fun making their fruit salads, they were cutting up their own fruit to put in the fruit salad.

This week's maths homework:

Year 1 - I would like the children to write numbers up to 100, but in jumps of 10 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)

Year 2 - I would like the children to write numbers from 10 to 20 partitioned, can they please write the answers in numerals and words. (ten and one equal 11, eleven)

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott

Friday 8th November 2024

We have had a lovely first week back at school. 

Attached at the bottom of the class page is the homework fun grid and this terms knowledge organiser.

This weeks maths homework:

Year 1 - What 3D shapes can you find around your house? Can you please draw them on a piece of paper or in your maths homework book?

Year 2 - Can you list how many corners/ vertices, edges and faces a cube, cuboid, sphere and cone have got?

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott

Friday 25th October 2024

We have had a brilliant first term back at school.

The children built habitats for the woodland creatures and hit pegs into pumpkins at forest school.

I hope everyone has a restful break, ready to come back for another busy term, when we get all nativity ready.

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott

Friday 18th October 2024

What a super week we have all had.

Homework this week:

Year 1: I would like the children to come up with 3 addition problems and write them in their maths books (I had 3 apples, I was given 4 more, how many do I have altogether?)

Year 2: I would like the children to practise adding 2-digit numbers using the methods we have practised this week (partitioning and recombining, rounding to the nearest 10 and counting in 10s and then the ones). 63+29, 45+34, 36+49, 54+25 and 26+29.

Monday 14th October 2024

Emerald Class had a wonderful time at Forest School this morning. An excellent way to start the week!

I have sent home an A3 sheet with different codes from our phonics lessons as a way to keep revising previous codes. The children should point at and say the sounds that each code makes. This homework is ongoing, so the sheets will not be replaced until we move onto a different phonics book.

Also, I have sent home some maths homework that relates back to their Numbersense lessons in school. The sheet has different activities that you can try at home to support this learning.

Friday 4th October 2024

We have had a brilliant week.

The children thoroughly enjoyed doing the 10K run today to raise money for Read With Me, and we have been practising ready for Harvest Festival next week.

Homework this week:

Please can everyone practise their line/s for the harvest festival.

Year 1: Please can you draw a picture of as many things as you can that is a rectangle around your house, into your maths homework book.

Year 2: In their Maths books please can the children write all of the doubles and near doubles to 10. (A near double would be 5+4 or 5+6, because they are a near double to 5+5)

The children have had great fun learning how to move around in different ways in PE this week, ensuring they use different parts of their bodies. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Friday 27th September 2024

We have had another lovely week at school.

The Maths homework this week:

Year 1: please can you draw a picture of as many things as you can that is a circle or triangle around your house.

Year 2: please can you practise counting in 10's to 100.

We have had a super afternoon drawing our harvest pictures.

Have a great weekend!

Friday 20th September 2024

We have had a super week.

Emerald Class have enjoyed exploring different puppets as part of their D&T.

The maths homework this week:

Year 1: Please can you practise counting to 30.

Year 2: Please can you practise counting forwards and backwards in 1's and 2's to 20. 

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Tuesdays and Thursdays are P.E.

Friday 13th September 2024

What a lovely week we have all had. 

The Maths homework for this week is: 

Year 1 - to go on a 2D shape hunt around the house. How many different shapes can they find?

Year 2 - Can they write the numbers 1 to 10 in their maths homework books, in numerals and words.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott

Friday 6th September 2024

We have had a fantastic start back to the school year.

I have uploaded the Homework Fun Grid and Knowledge Organiser for this term to this page. 

Have a brilliant weekend and we look forward to welcoming the children back recharged on Monday!

Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott