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Each week there will be a maths activity and spellings.

New homework will be posted on Tuesdays, we will mark the previous week's homework together in class on Wednesdays.

Maths homework is to be completed in Maths homework books:

  • Draw a margin 3 squares wide
  • Write the date
  • Write the question number in the margin and then answer the question fully
  • Do not spend longer than 20-30 minutes on this activity (do as many as you can)

Spellings will be linked to the words to be learnt as part of year group teaching and please also choose 5 words from your common exception words list to practise each week. Choose 1 word you know and 4 you do not yet know to practise using the strategies on the inside cover of your spelling homework book.

There will also be additional activities linked to other curriculum areas which you can pick and choose. You are welcome to bring these in to show the class as part of our class assembly on Thursdays.