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Je m’appelle __________              My name is _______

Quel âge as-tu ?                                How old are you?

J’ai _______ ans.                                         I am _______ years old.


Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ?     When is your birthday?

mon anniversaire                                       my birthday

c’est                                                                it is

pour                                                               for

de                                                                   from / of

Je voudrais                                                   I would like

Joyeux anniversaire !                      Happy Birthday!

une fête                                                        a party

les saisons                                          the seasons

le printemps                                                Spring

l'été                                                                Summer

l'automne                                          Autumn

l'hiver                                                            Winter

vingt                                                    twenty

vingt-et-un                                                   twenty one

trente                                                            thirty

trente-et-un                                                 thirty one