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Hogwarts Christmas Feast

Today has been a magical day at Kingswood Primary School! Thanks to the generosity of the Kingswood School Association and the Kingswood Village Association, the children were able to have their very own Hogwarts Christmas.

In October, Evie and Ada from Birch Class realised that the seating in the school hall at lunchtime was limiting the number of children who could sit together. They realised that if we had long tables and benches, we could sit a greater number of children together and have a more enjoyable lunchtime experience. They also thought that the tables and chairs would make the hall look like a banqueting hall, and there the idea was hatched! Both girls wrote to the KSA and KVA, requesting funding towards the cost of buying new tables and benches. Both charities made very generous contributions towards the cost and the tables and benches were delivered last week.

This morning we felt it was important to learn more about owls if we were going to have a true Hogwarts experience. We were visited by Jenny from Wren's who taught us a lot of interesting information about her owls.

Christmas lunch was served to the whole school today, under a canopy of magical twinkling lights. The children had an experience that they will never forget and the staff loved the opportunity to dress up! 

At Kingswood School, we feel lucky to be part of such a lovely supportive community and would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas!