Year 5
In Year 5 children learn to:
- identify the audience for, and purpose of, the writing;
- select the appropriate form and uses other similar writing as models for their own;
- proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors;
- ensure the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing;
- use further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader (eg headings, bullet points, underlining);
- describes settings, characters and atmosphere;
- convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes (eg -ate; -ise; -ify);
- indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs (eg perhaps, surely) or modal verbs (eg might, should, will, must);
- use devices to build cohesion within a paragraph (eg then, after that, this, firstly);
- use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity.