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This week we will start to look at the book 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. I am sure many of you will have this book or will have read it before. For those of you who do not have a copy, I have attached a PowerPoint of the story below.


Read the book. What do you like/dislike about the story? In your Busy Books draw your favourite part and the part you like least and either write about why or ask an adult to scribe for you.


Recap the story and then answer the questions on the comprehension sheet. Reception children can ask an adult to write some or all of their answers, while Year 1 children should be using their phonic and tricky word cards to help them write the answers themselves.


Recap the story and make a story map.


Practice retelling the story using your story map. Try to add excitement to your retelling. Maybe you could use different voices for the characters or change your expressions to show how the characters are feeling. Once you are happy with your performance, retell the story to an adult.


The Rainbow Fish's shiny scales were very special to him. In your Busy Books draw pictures of things that are special to you and label them. I would like Reception children to write a sentence about one of the things that are special to them. Remember to use your phonic cards to help you sound out the words. Year 1 children, I would like 5 good sentences about your special things. Please include why they are special to you. Have you had them for a long time? Maybe since you were a baby. Or maybe somebody very special to you gave you one of your special things. Are some of your special things people?